Managing Passwords

Can you recall your login details and passwords? The same one we all use, with the variations for when you need caps and special characters are easy, but now we're being forced to change our passwords more often.

CERT recommends password managers for devices, but we all know most of our lives happen offline, so these are great for accessing your digital spots, and Holdmine's here for these in a different way, and is a safe place to store the IRL moments too. But enough about us, here's more about what CERT recommends around keeping those passwords safe!

"Have you ever thought about writing down all the login details for your online accounts, and then putting them somewhere safe — like on a piece of paper you hide somewhere in the house? Or on a document you store on your computer? If you have, you’re not alone. We have a lot of passwords to remember, and keeping a note of them somewhere seems like a good idea. But, if you’re going to do this, you need to put them somewhere safer than in a drawer at home, or in a file on your laptop. That’s where password managers come in handy."

Keep your eye out for our next post on this topic, where we discuss if writing them down is a good idea, and how to create secure passwords.


Creating and Keeping Passwords Secure


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