New here?
Melissa Davies Melissa Davies

New here?

New here? We know that navigating a new tech platform or app can be daunting, so to make it easier to navigate Holdmine, we’ve created a handy first time user guide.

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Funeral Songs
Funerals Melissa Davies Funerals Melissa Davies

Funeral Songs

At least once, we’ll likely attend a farewell ceremony, tangihanga, celebration of life, or funeral for someone we care about. These gatherings help us share stories, support each other, and honour a life well-lived, grounding us as we move through grief. In many cultures, music plays a central role. You may have even thought, “I want this song at my funeral,” which sparked our interest in exploring the origins of music in these ceremonies and we found some information that could help you.

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The Power of Quotes
Inspiration Melissa Davies Inspiration Melissa Davies

The Power of Quotes

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, quotes help us cut through the noise. They provide us with something to hold onto, a nugget of wisdom that stays with us, offering guidance, motivation, or even comfort when we need it most. Here’s how quotes came to be, and a reminder as to how important they are.

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The Importance of Challenging Conversations
Wellbeing Guest User Wellbeing Guest User

The Importance of Challenging Conversations

In this post, we explore the importance of talking about challenging and uncomfortable topics. Engaging in vulnerable conversations and speaking up about difficult topics is important for many reasons. A few of these reasons include how it can aid you in preparing for the future, improving your relationship with yourself, and releasing built-up thoughts and feelings.

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Lost Data
Melissa Davies Melissa Davies

Lost Data

Popular entrepreneur and daily blogger Seth Godin shares his take on software companies and how they don’t create resilient systems to protect your data - we have a few thoughts on this.

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Rising Petty Crime
Security Melissa Davies Security Melissa Davies

Rising Petty Crime

Petty crime in NZ is on the rise. We’re sharing Melissa’s experience of this and some simple reminders to give you peace of mind.

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Distress Beacons
Wellbeing Melissa Davies Wellbeing Melissa Davies

Distress Beacons

If you’re someone who loves being outdoors exploring our spectacular backyard, keeping safe while doing so is paramount. DoC have shared a great post about what happens when you need to use a distress beacon so please have a read.

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Stories of Grief
Stories of Grief Melissa Davies Stories of Grief Melissa Davies

Stories of Grief

Nothing like a road trip or two over summer for belting out some cheesy pop tunes or power ballads, and for catching up on podcasts, audiobooks, and pondering the meaning of life.

If you’re wanting some content to help lean into the tougher subject of grief, this Empire Rules podcast episode is recommended. Head to the 18 minute mark if you wish, and you’ll hear two friends sharing their personal experiences with grief in a warm, kind and open way. A heads-up there’s a few f-bombs and giggles too.

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Look After Yourself
Wellbeing Melissa Davies Wellbeing Melissa Davies

Look After Yourself

Our little PSA to say take care of yourself right now, don’t put that off! Put some fuel in the tank, and look after you today - 2022’s version of you and those you love will be super grateful!

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