100+ Passwords - That’s What We’re Dealing With Now

Narrator: “They did not remember this one”.

Netflix, Facebook, PhysiApp, Coffee Culture CultureCard login - whatever the app or platform, your password is the gateway to the good stuff. We're now managing about 100 passwords per person, and a study shows password anxiety is a real thing.

One US study shows that 65% of people said they absolutely must write down their passwords to remember them. We get it. Having access to the info you need, when you need it is critical.

But how secure is a handwritten note in the back of your notebook, or in the top drawer in the kitchen? Not very, unfortunately.

We love password vaults like LastPass and the likes, they’re great if you’re tech-savvy and all your devices are linked on iCloud, or Microsoft 365. Outside of that, the options get a little lean. And what about the non-tech details – where are you saving those? What about the passwords you need to share as it’s a team or family login? Luckily, that’s what we can help with, so keep following along and we’ll let you know as soon as we’re live on the app stores.

In the meantime, some content we’ve shared for good password hygiene:

Managing Passwords

Keeping Your Passwords Secure


Look After Yourself


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