Look After Yourself

2021 is crash landing isn’t it? Who’s ready for 2022 to be different than this year or the one before?  

Before we launch into pressies, fun and New Years resolutions where we commit for three days to a floss twice daily, finally remember to do the physio exercises or other physical health action, let’s take a breath and reflect on the year that was.


What’s been a highlight for you this year?

Who are you loving a lot and want to thank?

What are one or two of the good bits to keep doing more of?


For the flip side, what’s been hard?

What do we need to change?

Who or what do we need to invest less in?

What can we leave behind when the clock strikes 12?

Let’s consider  …. why wait till then, what can shift right now?

Many of the conversations we’re hearing at the moment are people feeling overloaded having said ‘Yes’ to a lot of things, things that are interesting, fun, important and more, but as the day approaches and the yeses all converge the pressure ratchets up and the cost is our own wellbeing.

At a time when a lot of what we’ve known is a little different, and there’s an air of uncertainty and fear around us, the one thing we can manage completely is our wellbeing. Please do. People love you, you’re important, please look after you!

If that means letting someone know you’ve changed your mind and can’t attend an event because you need to stay in and catch some zzzzzs, do that. Or getting up early for a meditation and a bush walk, asking for help from others to get ready for the festivities, or deferring a work deadline into the New Year, please, please do.

This is our little PSA to say take care of yourself right now, don’t put that off! Put some fuel in the tank, and look after you today - 2022’s version of you and those you love will be super grateful!


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